Columns may be sorted alphabetically by clicking on the arrow to the left of its heading. Entering text in the search field excludes all rows which do not contain matching text. Article names may be clicked on for their corresponding PDF.
1 | 1 | A List of Extant Greek and Latin Authors | HUTTON, James | KING, Henry | Editorial Board | ||||||
1 | 77 | Greek | Alexander Aphrodisiensis | CRANZ, F. Edward | Connecticut College | ||||||
1 | 137 | Greek | Hermetica philosophica | DANNENFELDT, K. H. | Arizona State University | ||||||
1 | 157 | Greek | Oracula Chaldaica | DANNENFELDT, K. H. | Arizona State University | ||||||
1 | 165 | Greek | Aristarchus Samius | CARMODY, Francis | University of California | ||||||
1 | 167 | Greek | Autolycus | CARMODY, Francis | University of California | ||||||
1 | 173 | Greek | Hypsicles | CARMODY, Francis | University of California | ||||||
1 | 175 | Latin | Juvenal | SANFORD, Eva M. | Sweet Briar College | ||||||
1 | 239 | Latin | Salvian | SANFORD, Eva M. | Sweet Briar College | ||||||
1 | 241 | Latin | Arator | McKINLAY, A. P. | University of California, Los Angeles | ||||||
2 | 1 | Greek | Vita Secundi | PERRY, Ben E. | University of Illinois | ||||||
2 | 5 | Greek | Aeschylus | LACHMANN, Vera R. | Brooklyn College | Connecticut College | |||||
2 | 27 | Greek | Demetrius Phalereus | WEINBERG, Bernard | University of Chicago | ||||||
2 | 43 | Greek | S. Gregorius Nazianzenus (with Gregorius Presbyter, Vita Gregorii Nazianzeni) | WAY, Sister Agnes Clare | Our Lady of the Lake College | ||||||
2 | 193 | Greek | Longinus, ps. | WEINBERG, Bernard | University of Chicago | ||||||
2 | 199 | Greek | Olympiodorus | SCHMITT, Charles B. | University of Leeds | ||||||
2 | 205 | Greek | Pappus | BOYER, Marjorie | York College, City University of New York | ||||||
2 | 215 | Greek | Pausanias | PARKS, George B. | Queens College, City University of New York | ||||||
2 | 221 | Greek | Stephanus Byzantius | DILLER, Aubrey | Indiana University | KRISTELLER, Paul Oskar | Columbia University | ||||
2 | 225 | Greek | Strabo | DILLER, Aubrey | Indiana University | KRISTELLER, Paul Oskar | Columbia University | ||||
2 | 235 | Greek | Theophilus | GRANT, Robert M. | University of Chicago, Divinity School | ||||||
2 | 239 | Greek | Theophrastus | SCHMITT, Charles B. | University of Leeds | ||||||
2 | 323 | Latin | Apicius | MILHAM, Mary Ella | University of New Brunswick | ||||||
2 | 331 | Latin | Livius | McDONALD, A. H. | Clare College | ||||||
2 | 349 | Latin | Lucretius | FLEISCHMANN, Wolfgang B. | Montclair State College | ||||||
2 | 367 | Latin | Martianus Capella | LUTZ, Cora E. | Wilson College | ||||||
2 | 383 | Latin | Theodolus, ps. | QUINN, Betty Nye | Mount Holyoke College | ||||||
2 | 409 | List of Latin Authors (Add. et Corr.) | SWEENEY, Robert Dale | Vanderbilt University | |||||||
2 | 411 | Greek | Alexander Aphrodisiensis (Add. et Corr.) | CRANZ, F. Edward | Connecticut College | ||||||
2 | 423 | Greek | Hermetica philosophica (Add. et Corr.) | KRISTELLER, Paul Oscar | Columbia University | ||||||
2 | 424 | Greek | Autolycus (Add. et Corr.) | KRISTELLER, Paul Oscar | Columbia University | ||||||
2 | 424 | Greek | Hypsicles (Add. et Corr.) | KRISTELLER, Paul Oscar | Columbia University | ||||||
2 | 425 | Latin | Juvenalis (Add. et Corr.) | KRISTELLER, Paul Oscar | Columbia University | ||||||
2 | 426 | Latin | Salvianus (Add. et Corr.) | KRISTELLER, Paul Oscar | Columbia University | ||||||
2 | 426 | Latin | Arator (Add. et Corr.) | KRISTELLER, Paul Oscar | Columbia University | ||||||
3 | 1 | Greek | Arrianus | STADTER, Philip A. | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | ||||||
3 | 21 | Greek | Dionysius Periegetes | PARKS, George B. | Queens College, City University of New York | ||||||
3 | 63 | Greek | Musici scriptores Graeci (Alypius, Anonymus Bellermannianus, Aristides Quintilianus, Aristoxenus, Bacchius, Gaudentius, Nicomachus Gerasenus, Claudius Ptolemaeus) | GALLO, F. Alberto | Università degli Studi di Bologna | ||||||
3 | 75 | Greek | Priscianus Lydus | SCHMITT, Charles B. | Warburg Institute, University of London | ||||||
3 | 83 | Greek | Thessalus astrologus | PINGREE, David | Brown University | ||||||
3 | 87 | Latin | Caesar | BROWN, Virginia | Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto | ||||||
3 | 141 | Latin | Claudianus | CLARKE, Amy K. | Newnham and Lucy Cavendish Colleges, Cambridge | LEVY, Harry L. | Duke University | ||||
3 | 173 | Latin | Columella | BROWN, Virginia | Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto | ||||||
3 | 195 | Latin | Palladius | RODGERS, R. H. | University of California, Berkeley | ||||||
3 | 201 | Latin | Persius | ROBATHAN, Dorothy | Wellesley College | CRANZ, F. Edward | Connecticut College | KRISTELLER, Paul Oskar | Columbia University | BISCHOFF, Bernhard | University of Munich |
3 | 313 | Latin | Petronius | SOCHATOFF, A. Fred | Carnegie-Mellon University | ||||||
3 | 341 | Latin | Silius Italicus | BASSETT, Edward L. | University of Chicago | DELZ, Josef | Universität, Basel | DUNSTON, A. J. | University of Sydney | ||
3 | 399 | Latin | Vitruvius | CIAPPONI, Lucia A. | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | ||||||
3 | 411 | Greek | Aeschylus (Add. et Corr.) | LACHMANN, Vera R. | Brooklyn College | CRANZ, F. Edward | Connecticut College | ||||
3 | 412 | Greek | Aristarchus (Add. et Corr.) | CRANZ, F. Edward | Columbia University | KRISTELLER, Paul Oskar | Columbia University | ||||
3 | 413 | Greek | Autolycus (Add. et Corr.) | KRISTELLER, Paul Oscar | Columbia University | ||||||
3 | 413 | Greek | Gregorius Nazianzenus (Add. et Corr.) | WAY, Sister Agnes Clare | Our Lady of the Lake College | ||||||
3 | 425 | Greek | Hermetica Philosophica (Add. et Corr.) | D'ALVERNY, Marie-Thèrése | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and Université de Poitiers | ||||||
3 | 426 | Greek | Pappus (Add. et Corr.) | BOYER, Marjorie | York College, City University of New York | ||||||
3 | 431 | Greek | Stephanus Byzantius (Add. et Corr.) | DILLER, Aubrey | Indiana University | KRISTELLER, Paul Oskar | Columbia University | ||||
3 | 432 | Latin | Juvenalis (Add. et Corr.) | CRANZ, F. Edward | Connecticut College | KRISTELLER, Paul Oskar | Columbia University | ||||
3 | 445 | Latin | Livius (Add. et Corr.) | McDONALD, A. H. | Clare College | ||||||
3 | 449 | Latin | Martianus Capella (Add. et Corr.) | LUTZ, Cora E. | Beinecke Library, Yale University | CONTRENI, John J. | Prudue University | ||||
4 | 1 | Greek | Dioscorides | RIDDLE, John M. | North Carolina State University | ||||||
4 | 145 | Greek | Paulus Aegineta | RICE, Jr., Eugene F. | Columbia University | ||||||
4 | 193 | Latin | Ausonius | FELBER, Howard L. | Topeka, Kansas | PRETE, Sesto | University of Kansas | ||||
4 | 223 | Latin | Cato Censor | BROWN, Virginia | Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto | ||||||
4 | 249 | Latin | Martialis | HAUSMANN, Frank-Rutger | University of Freiburg i. Br. | ||||||
4 | 297 | Latin | C. Plinius Secundus (Naturalis Historia) | NAUERT, Jr., Charles G. | University of Missouri-Columbia | ||||||
4 | 423 | Latin | Carmina Priapea | HAUSMANN, Frank-Rutger | University of Freiburg i. Br. | ||||||
4 | 451 | Latin | Varro, M. Terentius | BROWN, Virginia | Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto | ||||||
4 | 500 | Corrigenda to Vol. III | |||||||||
5 | 1 | Greek | Gregorius Nyssenus | BROWN WICHER, Helen | San Mateo, California | ||||||
5 | 251 | Latin | Januarius Nepotianus | SCHULLIAN, Dorothy | Cornell University Libraries | ||||||
5 | 253 | Latin | Julius Paris | SCHULLIAN, Dorothy | Cornell University Libraries | ||||||
5 | 257 | Latin | Pomponius Mela | MILHAM, Mary Ella | University of New Brunswick | ||||||
5 | 287 | Latin | Valerius Maximus | SCHULLIAN, Dorothy | Cornell University Libraries | ||||||
6 | 1 | Greek | Cebes, ps. | LUTZ, Cora E. | |||||||
6 | 15 | Greek | Horapollo | SIDER, Sandra | The Hispanic Society of America | ||||||
6 | 31 | Greek | Nemesius Emesenus | BROWN WICHER, Helen | San Mateo, California | ||||||
6 | 73 | Latin | Solinus | MILHAM, Mary Ella | University of New Brunswick | ||||||
6 | 87 | Latin | Tacitus | ULERY, Jr., Robert W. | Wake Forest University | ||||||
6 | 175 | Latin | Vegetius | WISMAN, Josette A. | The American University | ||||||
6 | 185 | Latin | Martianus Capella (Add. et Corr.) | WESTRA, Haijo J. | University of Calgary | ||||||
6 | 186 | Latin | Theodolus, ps. (Add. et Corr.) | WESTRA, Haijo J. | University of Calgary | ||||||
7 | 1 | Greek | Cleomedes | TODD, Robert B. | University of British Columbia | ||||||
7 | 13 | Greek | Irenaeus Lugdunensis | REIMHERR, Otto | Susquehanna University | CRANZ, F. Edward | Connecticut College | ||||
7 | 55 | Greek | Plotinus | O'MEARA, Dominic J. | Université de Fribourg | ||||||
7 | 75 | Greek | Xenophon | MARSH, David | Rutgers University | ||||||
7 | 197 | Latin | Catullus | GAISSER, Julia Haig | Bryn Mawr College | ||||||
7 | 293 | Greek | Aeschylus (Add. et Corr.) | MUND-DOPCHIE, Monique | Université Catholique de Louvain | ||||||
7 | 296 | Greek | Alexander Aphrodisiensis (Add. et Corr.) | VECCE, Carlo | Università di Napoli | ||||||
7 | 299 | Greek | Cebes, ps. (Add. et Corr.) | SIDER, Sandra | The Hispanic Society of America | ||||||
7 | 301 | Greek | Gregorius Nyssenus (Add. et Corr.) | BROWN WICHER, Helen | San Mateo, California | ||||||
7 | 325 | Greek | Horapollo (Add. et Corr.) | SIDER, Sandra | The Hispanic Society of America | ||||||
7 | 326 | Greek | Oracula Chaldaica (Add. et Corr.) | KLUSTEIN, Ilana | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | ||||||
7 | 330 | Greek | Thessalus astrologus (Add. et Corr.) | PINGREE, David | Brown University | ||||||
8 | 1 | Greek | Damianus (Heliodorus Larissaeus) | TODD, Robert B. | University of British Columbia | ||||||
8 | 7 | Greek | Geminus Rhodius/Ps. Proclus | TODD, Robert B. | University of British Columbia | ||||||
8 | 49 | Greek | Hanno | MUND-DOPCHIE, Monique | Université Catholique de Louvain | ||||||
8 | 57 | Greek | Themistius | TODD, Robert B. | University of British Columbia | ||||||
8 | 103 | Greek | Thucydides | PADE, Marianne | Københavns Universitet | ||||||
8 | 183 | Latin | Sallustius | OSMOND, Patricia J. | Rome, Italy | ULERY, Jr., Robert W. | Wake Forest University | ||||
8 | 327 | Latin | Columella (Add.) | GARCÍA ARMENDÁRIZ, José-Ignacio | Universitat de Barcelona | ||||||
8 | 334 | Latin | Tacitus (Add. et Corr.) | ULERY, Jr., Robert W. | Wake Forest University | ||||||
8 | 336 | Latin | Vegetius (Add. et Corr.) | ALLEN, Michael Idomir | University of Chicago | ||||||
8 | 341 | Latin | Xenophon (Add. et Corr.) | MARSH, David | Rutgers University | ||||||
9 | 1 | Greek | Epictetus | BOTER, Gerard J. | VU University Amsterdam | ||||||
9 | 55 | Latin | Gregorius Turonensis | CONTRENI, John J. | Purdue University | ||||||
9 | 73 | Latin | Plinius Caecilius Secundus, Gaius | CIAPPONI, Lucia A. | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | ||||||
9 | 153 | Latin | Propertius, Sextus | THOMSON, Douglas F.S. | University of Toronto | ||||||
9 | 247 | Greek | Ps, Cebes (Add. et Corr.) | BOTER, Gerard J. | VU University, Amsterdam | ||||||
9 | 250 | Latin | Pomponius Mela (Add. et Corr.) | MILHAM, Mary Ella | University of New Brunswick | ||||||
9 | 256 | Latin | Silius Italicus, Tiberius Catius Asconius (Add. et Corr.) | MUECKE, Frances | University of Sydney | ||||||
9 | 259 | Latin | C. Julius Solinus (Add. et Corr.) | MILHAM, Mary Ella | University of New Brunswick | ||||||
10 | 1 | Greek | Pindarus | TISSONI, Francesco | Università degli Studi di Milano | ||||||
10 | 127 | Greek | Aelianus Tacticus | FIASCHI, Silvia | Università degli Studi di Macerata | ||||||
10 | 165 | Greek | Musaeus | ELEUTERI, Paolo | Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia | ||||||
10 | 239 | Greek | Agathias | FORRAI, Réka | Centre for Medieval Literature, University of Southern Denmark | ||||||
10 | 273 | Latin | Aulus Gellius | HOLFORD-STREVENS, Leofranc | Oxford, U.K. | ||||||
10 | 331 | Latin | Lucretius (Add. et Corr.) | PALMER, Ada | University of Chicago | ||||||
10 | 357 | Greek | Dionysius Periegetes (Add. et Corr.) | MARCOTTE, Didier | Université de Reims, Institut Universitaire de France | ||||||
10 | 375 | Latin | Sallustius (Add. et Corr.) | OSMOND, Patricia J. | Rome, Italy | ULERY, Jr., Robert W. | Wake Forest University | ||||
11 | 1 | Greek | Polybius | DE KEYSER, Jeroen | University of Leuven | ||||||
11 | 61 | Greek | Diodorus Siculus | MONFASANI, John | University at Albany – SUNY | ||||||
11 | 153 | Greek | Zosimus Historicus | NIUTTA, Francesca | Rome, Italy | ||||||
11 | 211 | Greek | Procopius Caesariensis | FORRAI, Réka | Centre for Medieval Literature, University of Southern Denmark | ||||||
11 | 237 | Latin | Dares Phrygius | CLARK, Frederic | New York University | ||||||
11 | 307 | Latin | Valerius Maximus (Add. et Corr.) | CRAB, Marijke | University of Leuven | ||||||
11 | 337 | Latin | Petronius Arbiter (Add. et Corr.) | LUČIN, Bratislav | Marulianum, Split, Croatia | ||||||
11 | 371 | Latin | Martialis (Add. et Corr.) | PADE, Marianne | Danish Academy at Rome, Århus University | ||||||
11 | 383 | Latin | Martianus Capella (Add. et Corr.) | O'SULLIVAN, Sinéad | Queen's University, Belfast |