The Union Académique Internationale (or International Union of Academies) is a federation of more than a hundred national academies from over 60 countries. Founded in 1919 in Paris, with a general secretariat in Brussels, the Union’s mission is to initiate and foster scholarly and scientific cooperation between various institutions that work in the fields of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The projects supported by the UAI are international enterprises that often span over multiple years and numerous nations. Many of them are fundamental reference tools, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and text editions. The Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum is one of 85 such projects currently under the aegis of the UAI, and was approved in 1951 at the initiative of the Medieval Academy of America and under the leadership of the CTC’s founding editor in chief Paul Oskar Kristeller.
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, founded in 1969 and based in New York, is a non-profit corporation that promotes and supports path-breaking work in the domains of the humanities and the arts. The Foundation makes grants in five core program areas: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities; Arts and Cultural Heritage; Diversity; Scholarly Communications; and International Higher Education and Strategic Projects. In 2006, the Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum was awarded a twelve-year grant within the Foundation's first program area. The funds (ca. 500,000 USD) were to be disbursed in three stages, with funding for the second and third stages contingent on progress made in the first. Intended to support the research and the editorial costs of the project, the funds have provided, and continue to provide, invaluable aid to numerous international scholars, whose seminal contributions to the CTC have served to transform the fields of reception studies and intellectual history.
The Department of Publications at the Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies operates as a small university press within the Institute, and publishes the results of research carried out by scholars from around the world. The Institute has over 300 titles in print in all areas of medieval studies. In addition to its collections of texts, studies, and translations, and the journal, which has been published continuously since 1939, it also publishes volumes on behalf of the Centre for Medieval Studies and The Dictionary of Old English at the University of Toronto, and has co-publications with the Bodleian Library, Oxford and the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies in Durham, UK. In 2014, publication of the CTC moved to PIMS, where Volume X in the series was released in a new attractive format that was welcomed by the international scholarly community.