Editorial Team
G. DINKOVA-BRUUN, Editor in Chief, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto
J. GAISSER, Associate Editor, Bryn Mawr College
J. HANKINS, Associate Editor, Harvard University
Executive Committee
G. DINKOVA-BRUUN, Editor in Chief, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto
J. GAISSER, Associate Editor, Bryn Mawr College
A. GRAFTON, Princeton University
J. HANKINS, Associate Editor, Harvard University
C. KALLENDORF, Texas A&M University
J.J. O’DONNELL, Georgetown University
Editorial Board
M.J.B. ALLEN, University of California, Los Angeles
C.S. CELENZA, Johns Hopkins University
B.P. COPENHAVER, University of California, Los Angeles
F.T. COULSON, The Ohio State University
K. HAUGEN, The California Institute of Technology
R.A. KASTER, Princeton University
P. MACK, The Warburg Institute
R.D. SIDER, Dickinson College
M. VESSEY, University of British Columbia
J.M. ZIOLKOWSKI, Harvard University
International Committee
K. ENENKEL, Münster
E.J. KENNEY, Cambridge
R. MUNK OLSEN, Copenhagen
V. NUTTON, St. Albans
S. RIZZO, Rome
N.G. WILSON, Oxford
Previous Executive Editors
P.O. KRISTELLER (1905–1999), Founder, Columbia University
F.E. CRANZ (1914–1998), Connecticut College
V. BROWN (1940–2009), Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies